Winter, chikkis and picnics in parks

This weekend’s impromptu shopping haul included a lot of edibles. (Okay, they were mostly edibles, saving one moisturizer which I bought on my mother’s recommendation). And among those was a packet of peanut-jaggery chikkis. Nothing fancy, right? Except that these remind me of my childhood picnics and school-potluck lunches. The earliest memory I can recover…

Meet Sikkim’s warriors for sustainable tourism

In Gangtok’s Tagalong Hostel, groups of 20- and 30-somethings are in the café on the ground floor, eating pasta, playing a game of Uno, and sharing stories (and a smoke). Most of them are solo travellers, making friends along the way as they take in the sights and sounds of Sikkim. Tagalong isn’t luxurious but…

Why I am a lil’ biased towards women

  Yesterday I did my first box jump after seven and a half months. (Yeaaay me. Booo to ACL injury) Now that I have your attention, let me tell you more. So, there was this CrossFit competition in the city that a lot of people went for, me included. In spite of me knowing that…

The brightest sights of Bombay

The Bombay I fell in love with is full of lovely people – people who are proud of their art, who are humble enough to stop and help others whenever required, people who sing when it rains but also complain about the water which may have got collected on every single street, people who pursue…

Instagram’s cute stories: Blahjinder

You know how you start surfing Instagram saying this is only for five minutes, and then you follow something someone is tagged in, and from that you go somewhere else… and before you know it, you are on an hour long wild-goose chase which lands you on someone’s profile that you have no idea about?…

Coolest wall art for your perfect picture

When I was living in Mumbai and was looking for a place to rent in 2012, I was invited to check out a house in Bandra (which I eventually did stay in for the next 3-4 years with awesome flatmates – the best till date) in a tiny little lane called Chapel Road. The name…

Strong is the new sexy, says CrossFit

I am 28 and weigh over 60kgs. Which is also a number I never wanted to look at again. For as long as I can remember I have tried to lose weight and look thin. I have once actually been almost successful – having lost over 11 kgs in 6-7 months by walking every-day and…

Maus: Art Spiegelman and the serious graphic novel

I have been overdosing on graphic novels. It started with a train journey home when I needed something quick to read and finish and before I knew it, I was shooting an email to Leaping Windows and asking them for recommendations about the absolutely must reads in the genre they are experts in. I have…

Mahabharata in pictures

Just how many retellings of a story can you take? The correct answer for me: As many as possible. And if the retelling happens to be a simplified version of the epic, Mahabharata, presented in a visually attractive format – then bring it on! Mahabharata, put very simply, is about the story of two families,…

Get that pull-up, or get out of here!

Let’s talk about overcoming fears. I have about 12 million of them. Lizards, dinosaurs, getting my nail ripped off while dancing, finding an egg which actually have a chick inside, creepy men in lonely streets/ crowded trains, forgetting how to talk, another heartbreak, my mom if she has had a talk with someone I did…